Virtual Clusters

Virtual Cluster Quickstart

Create a Kubernetes virtual cluster and deploy an example application. Stands up quickly and tears down even faster. Good for quick cluster requirement for your development or ephemeral environment needs.


Get started

In this quickstart, we'll use the CLI to create a virtual cluster on Uffizzi Cloud, then use kubectl to apply Kubernetes manifests for an example application (opens in a new tab).

Create a cluster

uffizzi cluster create quickstart
# [⠏] Creating cluster quickstart...

This command will also update the current context of your kubeconfig file. This means that you can use kubectl to interact with your virtual cluster.

Clone the example application repo:

git clone && \
cd quickstart

This repo includes a web.yaml (opens in a new tab) manifest that includes service, ingress and deployment resources.

Apply the manifest to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f ./k8s
# deployment.apps/web created
# created
# service/web created

Get the ingress of this deployment:

kubectl get ingress
# NAME   CLASS     HOSTS                                                    ADDRESS   PORTS     AGE
# web    uffizzi              80, 443   13m

You should see a host address that looks something like this:

Or to output just the hostname, run:

kubectl get ingress web --output=jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}{"\n"}'

You can curl this address, or copy and paste it into your browser to see the example application running.

Clean up

To clean up your cluster, simply run:

uffizzi cluster delete quickstart
# Cluster quickstart deleted