CLI Reference

Uffizzi CLI

Uffizzi CLI is a command line interface for the Uffizzi platform. It allows you to manage your Uffizzi account and projects from the command line. See Installing Uffizzi to download the CLI.

The Uffizzi CLI allows you to easily interact with the Uffizzi API. To list available commands, you can run uffizzi or uffizzi help, or to get help on a specific group or subcommand run uffizzi [GROUP] help or uffizzi [GROUP] [SUBCOMMAND] help.

Command groups and Subcommands

The following are the different commands provided by the Uffizzi CLI divided between the different commands based on the products we support and the ones for managing your uffizzi account.

Resource Management

composecreate, delete, describe, events, list, updateManage Docker Compose environments
clustercreate, delete, list, update-kubeconfigManage virtual clusters
devstart, stopManage dev clusters
connect (deprecated)acr, docker_hub, docker_registry, ecr, gcr, ghcrManage connections to external services
disconnect (deprecated)acr, docker_hub, docker_registry, ecr, gcr, ghcrDisconnect account from external services


accountlist, set-defaultManage your Uffizzi accounts
configget-value, list, set, unsetManage the CLI's configuration
installInstall the Uffizzi platform for self-hosting
loginLogin to Uffizzi
logoutLogout of Uffizzi
projectcreate, delete, describe, list, secret, set-defaultManage projects
versionShow CLI version