

Manage Uffizzi dev clusters

Use these commands for building, pushing, and deploying your project changes to a remote development cluster. Cloud-based dev environments offer many benefits compared to traditional local development, including:

  • More similar to production deployments
  • Access to more memory and CPU for resource-intensive apps
  • Scalability and flexibility for microservices apps
  • Faster build times
  • Avoid accumulation of build artifacts on local machine
  • App components available at public URLs or IP addresses
  • TLS certificates for HTTPS
  • Better team collaboration via shareable links

dev start

Creates a Uffizzi dev cluster and starts the Skaffold process

This command watches for file changes in a given local project directory, as specified in your configuration file. It then serializes those changes and redeploys them onto a Uffizzi dev cluster.

uffizzi dev start [CONFIG_FILE] [OPTIONS]

Positional Arguments

Path to the development environment configuration file. Currently supports skaffold.yaml (opens in a new tab) files.

The CONFIG_FILE location is stored in ~/.configu/uffizzi/config_default.json, so you can run uffizzi dev start from anywhere in your filesystem.


--k8s-versionSpecify which version of the Kubernetes API to use when creating the cluster, formatted as [MAJOR].[MINOR]. Defaults to 1.27. Minor versions point to the latest release of the corresponding k3s minor version. See (opens in a new tab)
--default-repoA public or private repo used to push/pull build artifacts. Overrides the global default image registry:
-q, --quietSuppress output
-k, --kubeconfigThis option specifies the location of the kubeconfig file to create or update

Example Usage

To start a dev environment using a skaffold.yaml config file in directory '~/foo', run:

uffizzi dev start ~/foo/skaffold.yaml

To start a dev environment in quiet mode, run:

uffizzi dev start --quiet

To start a dev environment using an alternate kubeconfig file, run:

uffizzi dev start --kubeconfig="/path/to/alternate/kubeconfig"

dev stop

Stops the skaffold process for the dev environment. This command does not delete the dev cluster or any associated resources. You can restart the dev environment with uffizzi dev start. To delete the dev cluster entirely, see uffizzi dev delete.

uffizzi dev stop

dev delete

Deletes the backing dev cluster resources, including any persistent volumes, and the namespace itself. The dev cluster config is deleted from the kubeconfig file.

uffizzi dev delete