

Manage virtual clusters

uffizzi cluster [SUBCOMMAND] [OPTIONS]

cluster create

Create a virtual cluster

uffizzi cluster create [CLUSTER_NAME] [OPTIONS]

[CLUSTER_NAME] is the name of the cluster to create. This argument is optional. If no name is provided, a cluster name is generated for you.

-n, --nameOption is deprecated and will be removed in the newer versions.Please use a positional argument instead: uffizzi cluster create my-awesome-name.
--k8s-versionSpecify which version of the Kubernetes API to use when creating the cluster, formatted as [MAJOR].[MINOR]. Defaults to 1.27. Minor versions point to the latest release of the corresponding k3s minor version. See (opens in a new tab)
-k, --kubeconfigThe location of the kubeconfig file to create or update
-m, --manifestThe path to a Kubernetes manifest file. If no manifest is provided, Uffizzi creates an empty cluster instance.
-o, --outputFormats the output of this command. Accepted values are pretty-json and json
--update-current-contextUpdates the current kubeconfig context. Defaults to true

Example Usage

To create a cluster with the auto generated name, run:

uffizzi cluster create

To create a cluster with name 'my-cluster', run:

uffizzi cluster create my-cluster

To create a cluster and apply manifests from a directory, run:

uffizzi cluster create --manifest=manifests/

To create a cluster using Kubernetes v1.28, run:

uffizzi cluster create --k8s-version=1.28

cluster delete

Delete a virtual cluster

uffizzi cluster delete [CLUSTER_NAME]

CLUSTER_NAME is the name of the cluster to delete.

cluster describe

Shows metadata for a cluster given a valid cluster name

-n, --nameThe name of the cluster to describe
-o, --outputFormats the output of this command. Accepted values are pretty-json and json

cluster list

List all virtual clusters for the default account and project context. See account and config for details about changing default account or project contexts.

uffizzi cluster list

To view clusters from a different project, you can pass the CLI-wide --project option and pass an alternative project:

uffizzi cluster list --project [ALT_PROJECT]
-o, --outputFormats the output of this command. Accepted values are pretty-json and json

cluster update-kubeconfig

Create or update the user's kubeconfig file with the named cluster's details.

uffizzi cluster update-kubeconfig [CLUSTER_NAME] [OPTIONS]
-p, --printDump kubeconfig to STDOUT
-q, --quietSuppress output
-k, --kubeconfigThis option specifies the location of the kubeconfig file to create or update
Behavior of update-kubeconfig
  • If you specify a path with the --kubeconfig option, then the resulting configuration file is created at that location if none exists or is merged with an existing kubeconfig at that location.
  • If you have the KUBECONFIG environment variable set, then the resulting configuration file is created at the first entry in that variable or merged with an existing kubeconfig at that location.
  • If a previous cluster configuration exists for a Uffizzi cluster with the same name at the specified path, the existing configuration is overwritten with the new configuration.
  • When update-kubeconfig writes a configuration to a kubeconfig file, the current context of the kubeconfig file is set to that configuration.